Saturday, 10 February 2018

Pictures and new library features.

Hello again,

As it is the half term you can expect to see more posts from me as I have more free time to work on the robot's code.

For a start, I have added the feature for it to be able to turn 90 degrees which will be useful on many courses. Secondly, I have tested the servos and they are working enabling us to properly start on the autonomous challenges. I have also added a simple function in the library to quickly zero the servos.

Also, team member Declan Corr has been working in sketch up to create an attachment for the robot which will be used in the challenges with balls.

Finally here is an updated picture of the robot. The first one in quite a while.

Remember to see all the code go to

William Worthy

Friday, 9 February 2018

Github and Python library

Hello all,

William here. Just a quick update again. Since getting our robot moving again I have been hard at work writing a library to collect all of our robots functions (pan tilt, motors, sensor) into one easy to understand library to enable the less python literate among the team to be able to program the robot.

Also, I have created a GitHub repository for all our code which can be found here:

Our next step is receiving our new servos for the pantilt module and soldering the sensor to the pico hat hacker we have added. There should be a new update with videos and pictures of the updated bot coming soon.


Thursday, 8 February 2018

The Robot Is Working!!!

Hello, we are back again!

We are continuing from where we have left off! We have achieved very little, since we last posted , however, we are coming to the end our journey, in terms of completing the robot!
We have got the robot driving and have been able to use the new controller with it. Will Worthy (The head of our team) is now teaching the rest of us on how to use Python libraries and is guiding us on keyboard inputs and sensor stuff etc. We are also adding material to our GitHub accounts.

See you in a few days!

Thursday, 1 February 2018

Motor controllers


Since our last blogpost we have got our ultrasonic working. Hooray! It turned out we were using the wrong power pin.

Also we have been experiencing problems with our original choice of motor driver- Explorer phat. Therefore we have chosen to change to the Adafruit motor driver. This will allow us to control each wheel independently which should be useful.

Next step to rewrite our code!


Gloppin Boopin Pals,

As you can tell, we are very indecisive. Yet again we have decided to change our sensor  to the US-100 (if we can get it working). This is a serial sensor which will allow us to get closer to the wall in the Minimal Maze, however, if we cannot get this to work we will be reverting back to the Sharp Infrared 4-30cm Sensor (see Sensor Choice for picture and more information). Hope you had a great Christmas and Holiday period!